Collection paintings by numbers «Symbols of beauty»

Female beauty and its symbolism throughout human history has been almost one of the strongest sources of inspiration for art people.
Symbols of Beauty
Female beauty and its symbolism throughout human history has been almost one of the strongest sources of inspiration for art people. The first works were exactly female figures, and later female images appeared on the canvases of famous artists.
In the new collection "Symbols of Beauty", our designers were inspired by the stories of famous surrealists, like Salvador Dali. The greatest artist created his famous painting "Woman with a Head of Roses" inspired by the poem of Paul Verlaine. Dali wanted to convey the inner female beauty, so he depicted a woman without facial features but with flowers instead of a head.

"Symbols of Beauty" are saturated with deep motives and try to unravel the essence of the true nature of the feminine.
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